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Friday, January 29, 2010

Learn to defend your self.

Defend yourself.

This article gives you the basics of self-defense. In this article, we have shown you practical techniques that you can use if you are attacked by someone.

The article DOES NOT teach you martial arts or karate. The article teaches you some simple techniques, that anyone can learn. The techniques will help you free your-self from the attacker and run to some safe location. Using these techniques you will be able to escape a life-or-death type situation.

We recommend that YOU read this article. Many people think that nothing could ever happen to them. You probably think this too. But the truth is, things happen. They happen a lot. A large number of people each day get attacked, robbed, raped etc.

We beg you, read and learn these techniques. Learn to defend yourself. Don't wait for something to happen.

We know people for whom it was too late. They were people like you and me who though that nothing could possibly happen to them. But they were attacked!

I ask you to at least get all the women and young girls you know to read this article and learn these techniques. If you are a father, brother, mother you must learn these techniques and teach them to your family.

This article is just the beginning. There is a lot more to learn about self-defense. Everyone should learn to defend themselves.

This article is especially written for women and from their point of view, however, the same techniques can be used by anyone.

The weapons you have!

First of all, REMEMBER THIS: There is no such thing as a fair or unfair attacker.

During karate tournaments there are judges. They stop all illegal elbow strikes, groin and knee kicks etc. Even in boxing they stop the fight for biting etc.

On the street though, there are no judges, bells, timers or rules. The person or persons attacking you are not going to give you a chance to get back up on your feet, pick your knife or give you a chance to catch your breath.

There is no “honor” among thieves or street gangs or attackers! Remember this!

You must understand that your attacker can do just about anything! But what is more important to understand it that you have this advantage too. You can also do anything to hurt your opponent since there are no rules! Use this. Do anything and everything to hurt your opponent as badly as possible.

To understand this a little better, you should understand the weapons you have. “Fists” and “feet” are just a few of the obvious weapons you have.

You have MANY other weapons. Mike Tyson might have got in trouble for biting in the boxing ring, but on the street, your teeth can be an excellent weapon. When using your teeth, take as big a bite as possible and hang on tight.

I know, this may seem like a very “gruesome” thing to do now. However, in a life or death situation, this could end up being the only thing that will save you. So I repeat again, take as big a bite as possible and hang on tight.

Another good solid weapon is your elbow. They are great for hitting an opponent in the head, over the kidneys, groin and various other parts of the body. Don’t forget your knees either.

Fingers are often forgotten when thinking about weapons. They seem so fragile and weak but they can often be effective when used to scratch or gouge face, eyes and throat.

Also remember your head can be used as a weapon itself by slamming it into the nose and mouth of an attacker.You also have other weapons that may be close to hand. These can be something like a heavy purse or flowerpot. Other possibilities are a set of keys, a pencil or screwdriver, a glass bottle, piece of broken glass, good sized rock or even a coat or jacket that could be thrown to trap a weapon.

Practice looking around yourself in different areas and try to think of uses for the items at hand. Do this on a regular basis so your mind will be able to spot them quickly if needed. You want to practice this enough so that is becomes instinctual.

The stomp kick!

The stomp kick is the easiest of all the kicks. The kick is also extremely affective against larger opponents. You don’t have to be very strong to give a devastating “stomp kick”.

The stomp kick can be used in a variety of situations but to understand it, imagine that the attacker comes up behind you, grabs you around the shoulders, by the hair or puts a forearm across your throat.

To begin the stomp kick, simply raise your knee and leg “as high as possible”. When your knee as high as it goes, make sure that you have moved your toes upward and your heel is the part of your foot, which is closest to the ground. This will insure the hard, bony part of the heel is the first thing to hit as you complete the kick.

After you have raised your knee, you will want to “stomp” your heel on the attackers foot with a twisting, grinding motion at completion.

This kick is used for breaking the small bones in an attacker’s foot or toes. These small “metatarsal” bones are very fragile and require a very small amount of pressure per square inch to fracture.When being held from behind, it is a simple thing to raise the knee, touch your heal to the attacker’s leg and allow it to guide your heel to its target. Boots or high heels can make this technique very very effective.

It is preferred that you give repeated kicks and try other techniques as well to escape.Once your attacker has let you go, RUN!

Remember the old saying: “He/She who runs away, lives to fight another day.”

Escaping a wrist-lock!

Imagine that you’re about to sit down at your favorite table after that last trip around the dance floor, when whom should you see heading your way but Bubba, your ex-boyfriend.

Bubba reaches over with his left hand and grabs your left wrist, pulling you towards him and insisting you go along with him. He has twisted your hand in such a way you are in pain anytime you attempt to move. This submission hold he has you in is called a "wristlock". What are you going to do?

A wristlock is a submission technique. The opponent places pressure on the nerves and bones of the wrist. A small amount of pressure can cause enough pain to cause the victim to be willing to give into almost any thing to escape. If the attacker applies more pressure, he can actually break the wrist itself.

Great care is needed to escape the wristlock so you don’t break your own wrist by accident. The beauty of a wristlock is that the pain it causes, is because of the victim fighting the hold.

When a person attempts to fight the wrist lock, she usually tightens the muscles and tendons in the hands and wrists. By doing this the opponent is given the advantage due to the pain from your wrist.

If you can stay calm, it is possible to allow your arm, wrist and hand to relax. By doing this, the pain is removed to a great extent allowing you to give a well-placed kick, punch, bite or knee strike. If you do this, it will often surprise your opponent."Take immediate advantage of this momentary confusion."

If his hold on your hand is loosened, attempt to jerk your wrist away by pushing against the attackers "thumb". The thumb is much weaker than the rest of the hand since it is alone. By rotating the bone in your arm you have extra torque to free your hand against the thumb, you have an excellent chance to loosen the grip.

Once you have freed your wrist, you have several more weapons as we have talked about earlier.

Another technique for many other holds and grabs!

Remember that the “pinkie” or little finger is the weakest finger in the hand. If you can cover his hand with your free hand, reach over and grab the last section of his pinkie. Then using a sudden, sharp snapping motion, make the back of your opponent’s pinkie meet the back of his hand, he is going to release you immediately due to the intense pain felt in his hand!

This move while very affective and must be done with feeling. This isn’t the time to feel sympathy for your attacker’s pain.

Escaping an armed attacker!

Any time an attacker is holding a gun, it must be assumed he has serious considerations towards killing you. If you feel you can get out of it in one piece, let him or her have whatever material thing they desire.No car, cash, purse, jewelry, or any other “thing” is worth losing your life over.

First rule is to stay as calm as possible. If you act crazy, scream and yell, then the attacker may choose to shoot you just so you will shut-up. So, STAY CALM!

They do not want attention drawn towards them and you must attempt to keep them as calm as possible as well as yourself. Arguing and begging are also a very bad idea.When ordered to hand over your wallet or jewelry, respond quickly and if possible, step back away from them as much as possible.

Another thing to keep in mind is to keep as much of your "side" facing them as possible. When you face them straight on, all you are doing is giving them a large target that requires little or no aiming to hit. Turning your side towards and having your hands up and parallel to the body also gives you a little bit of protection.

As you are standing there, have your feet at shoulder width apart, knees slightly bent and rest your weight lightly on the balls of your feet. This is considered a “ready stance” in martial arts and simply means you are ready for anything. It allows you to move freely and quickly if needed. Practice this stance and get familiar with it. If things reach the point where the attacker actually tries to use the weapon, you will at least be able to try and dodge, escape, drop or roll away.

Just keep these basics in mind and there is a good posibility that you will get out of such a situation alive.

Escaping a head lock!

First, let us understand what exactly is a head lock.

An attacker will often use a headlock to subdue and beat up a victim who is smaller. They will often move in quickly, wrap an arm around the neck while forcing the victim to bend forward. This will cause the victim to be off-balance and at a disadvantage while the attacker bangs them in the head. It is also used as a way to choke someone into submission.

As the victim is off balance, the attacker usually has a solid footing on the ground. This is because his knees are bent and his feet are placed well apart giving him a firm foundation. If the victim keeps calm, she can use the firm foundation of the attacker against him.

A person can be in a headlock while facing the same or the opposite way as the attacker. You could use the same technique regardless of which way you are being held.

One of the easiest and most affective methods of escape is to move your head as close as possible to your assailant and wrap one arm around his waist. Give him a great big bear hug while turning your face into his body and latching on with your teeth for all you are worth. Don’t just nibble, attempt to take a piece of your attacker home.

When you are in a headlock, you want to imagine yourself to be a dog. Open your mouth as wide as possible, take all of the tender meat of the abdomen or “love handle” area and make the best attempt possible to bite through the skin. Most attackers at this time are doing all they can to get you as far away from them as possible. Don’t let him go.

While still biting your attacker, let the free hand drop down as far as possible between his legs. As you do this, press all the fingers in the hand together to make it as flat as possible. Slam with all your strength into the center between his legs.

This is a highly affective maneuver if done quickly. Each step needs to blend right into the next. Don’t bite, pause to think, and then attempt the strike. If you wait between the two, most men will feel the bite and then punch your head.Once your attacker is hurt, free yourself from his hands completely and RUN!

Using your head! - Head Butting!

You don’t have to be an expert in martial arts to use a head butt affectively. Even a small child can be taught to use head butts against a much older and larger attacker.

Incase you are not sure what a “head butt” is, let us explain that to you first. A head butt is a technique of slamming your head into the attackers head in such a way that you do not damage your head, however, you hurt the attacker to a great extent!

Executing a head butt is pretty simple. Just strike your attacker in the nose and mouth area if you are to the front. If you are close to the side of his head, try to hit the temple area around the ears.

Strike using your forehead. Strike with full force. When delivering a head butt, hitting with huge amount of fore is necessary! So strike using your forehead with full force into the other persons nose, mouth, temple or around the ears, whatever is convenient. Once your attacker is hurt, free yourself and RUN!

The techniques shown in this article are very basic and elementary. They do not make you a martial arts expert. However, they will just be enough to get you out of a life-or-death situation if used properly. We hope you have benefited from them.However, the techniques taught in this article are just the beginning. YOU must learn at least basic self-defense! Join a karate, boxing etc. class right away!